digging out my soul and bagging it up!!

Author: umar's flipper /

'i am scared if say i couldn't fly next year'
'how would be my parent's feelings??'
'if say it is so'
'i am scared i cant survive the burdens'
'it is important to me at this moment to make sure that my parents know that i am really struggling and hopping for the best for my future'

'don't you ever say that i am lazy mum!!'
'don't you ever say that i am not appreciating what you've given to me so far dad!!'

'believe me'
'i am struggling'
'i am striving'
'but i am really sorry mum and dad'
~~'if say it really happen'~~

'mum, dad'
'i wonder if there is a way that can make you live a long life,'
'if there is one'
'no matter the resists'
'I'll make it happen'
'so you can witness my success and i can pay you back'
'I'll give you a good time'
'give you both know that you have a good son'
'good son who is really loved you'

'and realize that reality'
'before God calls your numbers'


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